About me
Welcome! I'm Martha Raine, pregnancy and birth enthusiast, midwife-in-training and hypnobirthing coach.
From a young age I was always fascinated by pregnancy and all things motherhood. I was born at home, on the little island of Lindisfarne, Northumberland. Birth has always been a familiar topic of conversation for me. I'm fortunate that I was brought up believing women's bodies are carefully and beautifully designed for pregnancy and childbirth. This led me to subconsciously seek out and accumulate a range of relevant experiences; from babysitting to being a medical receptionist, before finally stepping into Midwifery. In my spare time I am often found being a friend to new mothers, and more recently a birth partner. It is a privilege to support women giving birth to their babies, or offering a shoulder to cry on in those early hours after a delivery. My midwifery journey gives me a different perspective with a multitude of experiences supporting women throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. I am familiar with local maternity systems and able to help you navigate them to receive the support you need for your individual journey through pregnancy and birth.
One moment from my midwifery training that has stayed with me, was when I was supporting a woman giving birth in hospital. It was the first time I'd witnessed a woman having the lights turned down low, and tealights switched on. She was on all fours on the bed, rocking backwards and forwards, with her partner rubbing her back, listening to Norah Jones being played in the background. I remember having tears in my eyes for the whole of this (short) labour and thinking,THIS is how it should be...
It was beautiful. It was an intimate, safe, encouraging and positive space, which sadly so many women don't get to experience.
And ultimately that beautiful experience led me to train as a hypnobirthing coach, alongside my midwifery. My aim is to provide the best possible support to you mums and mums-to-be, through kindness, a listening ear - and with your experience at the forefront of everything I do.
You deserve your birth to be a positive experience to look back on and to cherish, regardless of how it unfolds. That should be every woman's right.
I'm here to help you find YOUR power, as ultimately, this is your body, your birth, your story.