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Image by Bethany Beck



What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is an approach to labour and childbirth. It isn't a 'type' of birth i.e. one sort of outcome, or a 'drug-free' birth. ( Although it can improve comfort levels during labour! ) It's a mindset, and an understanding of your mind and body, how they work together either in favour of, or against, labour. It's about adjusting your mindset and expectations, challenging negative thoughts/beliefs and building and preparing a positive birthing environment. We will use deep relaxation, positive affirmations, visualisation and breathing techniques to prepare you as best we can, giving you tools to empower you throughout your pregnancy and birthing journey. 

I believe that knowledge is power, and after this course you will feel equipped to ask questions and make informed decisions about your care, to ultimately have the best experience for you.

What are the benefits of Hypnobirthing?

Many women reflect on their labour/birth more positively, recall it as a pleasurable experience, and report lower levels of pain, than women without Hypnobirthing. 

There are also reports of lower rates of Caesarean birth, instrumental intervention and use of epidurals, amongst women using Hypnobirthing techniques.

*Please see Resource Hub for more information

Can I come alone to sessions?

Yes, of course! If you don't have a birth partner, or you'd feel more comfortable coming to sessions alone, they will absolutely still be beneficial to you. However, many people include their birth partner(s) as they are able to understand and help implement the tips and tricks we discuss in the sessions!

Can I do Hypobirthing if I'm having a Caesarean birth?

Absolutely!! Hypnobirthing can be a great tool to help prepare you for your big day! In some ways, there are more certainties to 'prepare' for. Staying relaxed, calm and in a positive mindset still benefit you in the run up to, during and after your Caesarean. 

At Be Yourself Birthing, you can do a specifically designed Calm Caesarean course for this reason! 

How can I ensure I get the most out of your courses?

I will give you all the tools, resources, advice and support you need! However, that's only PART of the effectiveness of Hypnobirthing. I do offer shorter courses for those who are fast approaching their 'due date'. Something is always better than nothing! However, the benefits of Hypnobirthing are maximized by you regularly practicing and using techniques outside of the sessions, so by the time you are in labour or having your Caesarean, they are 'second nature' to you, and you can easily access a state of deep relaxation. It helps you have a more enjoyable pregnancy too!

Who is Hypnobirthing for?

Anyone who is pregnant! There is no 'typical' woman that will enroll. If you're pregnant, and want to feel prepared for labour and birth (whatever the circumstances) why not stack the odds in your favour for having a positive experience? This is for you

I'm always just a message away!

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